Save the date for AUA2022
Mark your calendar for this don't-miss event!

Make plans to be part of the biggest meeting in urology! AUA2022 will take place May 13 – 16 in New Orleans and deliver innovative, evidence-based, quality education for urologists and urologic health care professionals worldwide in a format that best accommodates virtual and in-person learning.
Registration for the event opens in December with an early bird registration deadline of February 22. Housing for AUA2022 is open now!
Although AUA2021 pivoted to a virtual-only meeting due to concerns about safety with regard to the rising trajectory of the Delta variant and its impact on the urology community, plans for AUA2022 in May involve online learning as well as a full in-person experience.
"We are looking forward to gathering in person in New Orleans while providing quality virtual content, too," said AUA Secretary John D. Denstedt, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS. "We are focused on the safety of our members and attendees and will plan for our meeting so that our world-class educational offerings can be disseminated to as many urologists as possible."
Offering a combination of in-person and online learning formats has many benefits, said AUA President Scott Swanson, MD, FACS. In addition to the obvious benefit of being able to provide content worldwide, the AUA2022 format will also offer flexibility to in-person attendees who may want to sit in on sessions from their hotel rooms but be face-to-face for networking events, choosing to customize their AUA2021 experience. It also will offer on-site attendees who would normally have to choose between conflicting events to opt for both—attending one live and tuning in later to a session offered virtually.
“This hybrid model allows us to extend our reach and extend our contact point with everyone,” said Dr. Swanson, who is a consultant in the department of urology at Mayo Clinic and an associate professor of urology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Scottdale, Arizona. “For example, if international people can’t come because of travel restrictions or quarantines, they have the ability to learn something from the scientific programming, to learn something from the speakers.”
Visit AUA2021 Daily News Online for more articles.