AUA2021 specialized programming targets trainees
AUA prepares trainees to transition into practice.

Early career residents can provide valuable insight into the specialty of urology. That’s why the American Urological Association listens carefully to the valuable feedback they provide after each Residents Forum and designs programming to address their needs.
Juan F. Javier-DesLoges, MD, a urologic oncology fellow at University of California San Diego Health, is chair of the AUA Residents and Fellows Committee, which is tasked with developing programming that prepares trainees to transition into practice. Each year, the committee tailors its trainee-focused programming to encompass a spectrum of member engagement. It ranges from light and entertaining content, such as the Residents Bowl, to enriching discussions about the all-important mentor relationship, including a mentorship program that launches during the AUA Kick-off Weekend.
The program features a panel discussion with practicing urologists at different stages of their careers from residency to program leadership. The panel will cover such topics as characteristics of a good mentor, a mentor’s philosophy, career balance and more.
“We hope this panel will help residents and fellows find mentors and establish productive mentorship relationships. We hope also to encourage residents to serve as near-peer mentors to their fellow residents and medical students,” Dr. Javier-DesLoges said. “Research has shown that having an involved mentor is one of the best ways to combat burnout and increase wellness. This panel is designed to engage and educate current urologic trainees.”
The AUA Residents Bowl features a diverse group of trainees nationally and internationally. Eight teams of residents will compete using Jeopardy-style questions focused on urology as well as the history of urology. Dr. Javier-DesLoges said the trainee focus also will feature a Senior Resident debate among trainees from across the country, who will discuss controversial topics in urology, including ethics.
Among the programming offered through the early career focus, Dr. Javier-DesLoges said he is most excited about the Residents Forum. This programming is developed for trainees and will showcase a host of speakers focused on contemporary issues, including updates from the American Board of Urology, AUA Office of Education and AUA Young Urologists Committee.
“We have three diverse panels focusing on health policy and advocacy as a trainee, applying and interviewing for fellowship and also applying and interviewing for jobs,” he said. “This programming has been in development for nearly two years, and we hope that it excites and engages trainees.”
All early career programming will be recorded or broadcasted live for virtual engagement.
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