Unique perspectives published for the practicing urologist
How Urology Practice® strives to meet the practice needs of an increasingly diverse urology workforce.

Since its inception in 2014, Urology Practice®, known as UPJ, an official peer-reviewed journal of the AUA, has been publishing high-quality articles, including clinical trends, health policy, specialty and patient care to address the needs of practicing urologists.
The international, peer-reviewed, bi-monthly journal is among the AUA’s family of peer-reviewed scholarly journals, which also includes The Journal of Urology® and JU Open Plus, as well as AUA’s featured newsmagazine, AUANews. Still, UPJ is unique in that it features content outside of the scope of The Journal of Urology® or JU Open Plus. It publishes content relevant to the advancement of the practice of urology. Featured topics have included, for example, burnout in urology, implementing shared decision-making into clinical practice and the cost of metastatic prostate cancer in the U.S.
J. Stephen Jones, MD
Where is the UPJ headed in meeting the practical changing needs of the urology community? Included in the line-up in Monday’s plenary from 10:55 to 11:05 a.m., “Urology Practice®: Unique Perspectives Published for the Practicing Urologist,” J. Stephen Jones, MD, will discuss the evolution of Urology Practice® and exciting updates, including UPJ’s pending PubMed indexing, the online listing for National Library in Medline, which serves as the repository for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
“This stamp of imprimatur signifies the robustness and stature of the UPJ. It also is important to many authors because publishing in indexed journals may be included in their annual evaluation,” he said.
Dr. Jones, who is the editor-in-chief of Urology Practice®, president and CEO of Inova Health System in Falls Church, Virginia, and professor of urology at the University of Virginia, will discuss UPJ and the AUA’s dedication to meeting the specific needs of practicing urologists and the leadership role UPJ plays in addressing the diversity of the urology workforce through its content. He will be joined at the podium by Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, MBA, FACS, chair, Department of Urology, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, and associate editor of UPJ.
Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, MBA, FACS
“We have been intentional in focusing the UPJ editorial team on areas of diversity, including gender and race, but also on stage of career,” Dr. Jones said. “We're particularly proud that Urology Practice® has always had a diverse editorial board, which is important for getting the right perspectives into the urological literature.”
He added that the UPJ editorial board is not only comprised of academic physicians and academic urologists, but also urologists from private practice and other practice models.
“We've also made sure we have a significant international representation to further diversify the board as well as AUA sections and parts of the country from which the editorial board comes. It's all been intentional toward making sure that we have the right voices and the right perspectives for the broad practicing urology community,” Dr. Jones said.
Be prepared to come away with insight on how UPJ can help guide your practice and grow your career around health care policy and the specifics of urology as a specialty in today’s increasingly diverse and challenging medical environment.