Welcome to AUA2022

AUA2022 promises to bring more options, opportunity and content than ever before.

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The 2022 AUA Annual Meeting will be like no other. Whether you are physically in New Orleans or learning online from home, AUA2022 has been developed in a way that combines the best of both worlds to deliver innovative, evidence-based, quality education for urologists and urological health care professionals in formats that accommodate both in-person and virtual learning. John Denstedt, AUA SecretaryJohn Denstedt, AUA Secretary

“We have a very dynamic program for the meeting this year,” said John Denstedt, MD, FRCSC, FACS, FCAHS, secretary of the AUA and professor of urology at Western University in London, Canada. “We will present cutting-edge material with a focus on new technology and other hot topics in the diagnosis and treatment of urological disorders.” 

More than a hundred hours of science and education will be offered at AUA2022, covering the full spectrum of urology. The meeting will include a robust offering of learning and engagement, including abstracts, keynotes, surgical videos and space to connect with sponsors, exhibitors and educators from around the globe. 

Programming highlights include: 

  • Plenary sessions featuring today’s leaders in urology and popular sessions like Crossfire Debates, Semi-Live Surgeries/ Surgical Techniques, Second- Opinion Cases, When Disaster Strikes and How I Do It. 
  • New clinical guidelines. 
  • More than 85 instructional courses. 
  • Poster, podium and video sessions. 
  • Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU) program. 
  • Special programming that includes the Young Urologists and Residents Forums. 
  • New Bladder Cancer Forum. 
  • Industry programming that highlights the latest technologies and advances, including the new Emerging Corners and Robotics Theatre programs. 

In addition to participating in the live event, all attendees will have access to on-demand recordings through August 31, 2022. 

Dr. Denstedt said that although he is excited about this year’s programming, he’s even more excited to be able to attend the event in person. 

“It’s been two years, and we think a lot of people, both domestically and internationally, are excited about getting back to an in-person meeting,” he said. “We have all seen some benefits from virtual meetings but miss the networking that is facilitated by in-person meetings—the human-to-human interactions and casual discussions that can occur in both scientific and social settings.” 

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